On all matters of guitar as well as the technologies that bringeth new life and artform to, KG hath had a deep well on which to draw on. From wince becameth to be known as the Wizard of Stratsnorde, also known as Kyle, Kage, KLou, Big Tex, Kareem Abdul-Guitar, The Spacious One, His Holy Tonelyness, Diles Mavis, Bob E.Q. and once “You like one of the Beatles.” In fact, KG had been imitating one and all of the Beatles his whole life and lives to come. Musically raised and educated by the sonic revolutions beginning with early 50s American Blues, the beginnings of Rock and Roll, the British invasion, through the 60s experimental and psychedelia on through the 70s perfection of modern mega ROCK GIANTS. Basically completely skipping all the terrible shit that happened in the 80s and picking back up in the era KG spent in his formative years: the 90s. Punk, Grunge and Anti-Heroism have so deeply ingrained itself into the musical spine of His Holy Tonelyness that to this day he carries the same angst, disillusionment, distrust of authority and underwhelming feelings from todays mainstream into his very breathe and composure. His soul purpose is to elevate the ones around him conscience enough to listen and continually seeking truth. With the band Delta, KG provides the vast array of guitar tonal creaminess that champions the ones who rock. Aside from providing all the warm tubbiness using the utmost classic gear/rig equilibrium, KG is also known to ride the vocal harmonies like a perfect break atop of a great wave from the Pacific. He can do so thanks to the Honorary degree of Baroque-pop Sciences of the 1960s specializing in Lennon/McCartneyism and Beach Boys Harmonist Theory. His goal is to carry this torch with him till his last day in this form and grace his surroundings with the light of the fire that burns within his being.

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