There are those convinced the days for guitar-soaked rock bands with a penchant for straight-edged pop melodies are long gone and left to collect dust and filed under “Yesterday’s Rock.” Such opinion overlooks one vital element from the equation: times are always changing and given our dark state of world affairs, we all need something we can lean on! ‘Delta’ knows pop history and is not afraid to dirty their hands having been influenced by the unconcerned approach of the great ‘pop song’ craftsman-ship from their obvious influences from classic rock and Brit-Pop, The Beatles, Oasis, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Creedence, The Sex Pistols and other great bands. ‘Delta’ will be filed under modern classic rock tradition and aspire to deliver live music performance just like their heroes. From attitude to melody to drink preference, upon meeting them, one will see they are the real deal. Robust, funny, maybe a bit arrogant, for a band in their infancy they write songs that best represent their dreams and will soon one day give musical resurrection.
Brandon Arend (songs, vox, guitars)
Ryan Healy (drums)
Taylor Nelson (bass)
Kyle Goins (guitar, backing vox)
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